© Dr. Ray Franco, PhD, PE
Curriculum Vitae

Smoke Alarm BRK Model SA350B Teardown

The BRK & First Alert SA350B is a Single Alarm (SA) unit with a 10-year, Tamper-proof, Lithium battery. There are no pins or connector on the back of the unit. It cannot be interconnected to other smoke alarms. It cannot be connected to 120 Volt AC Power.

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Front of the SA350B
Front of the BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B.
Back of the BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B
Back of the BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B before removing Battery Pullout Ring.
Inside of the SA350B
Inside of the SA350B.
Lithium Battery Voltage Measurement
BRK Smoke Alarm 9-Volt Lithium Battery Voltage Measurement.
Component Side of BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Component Side of BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
Back of the SA350B Printed Circuit Board
Back Side of the BRK Smoke Alarm Model SA350B PCB.


All I used was a small screwdriver to push the plastic taps inward so I could open this unit. There was another plastic tap holding the battery in place. Afterwards, I did reinsert the original battery, but I could have just as easily inserted an alkaline 9-volt battery. The back of the box and Specification Sheet [1] say "meets code for sealed, tamperproof, 10-year battery". I was expecting more of a deterrent.


  1. BRK SA350B Specification Sheet
  2. BRK SA350B User Manual